Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

While I’ve never been a “joiner” by temperament or spirit, I am proud to be involved with the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), because I am joined in my heart with good people who love God dearly and enjoy the processes and practices for Soul Transcendence taught by John-Roger. His teachings are inclusive and respectful of all faiths and affirm quite simply that the greatest value in living is loving. He teaches the ancient path of Soul Transcendence, that all things come from God, God loves all of its creation…and not one soul will be lost. Not one.

LTY Speaks at MSIA 50th Celebration [12 minutes]

Since studying with MSIA, I have never felt confined, organized, suppressed, controlled or ritualized. In fact, in MSIA, personalities and vocations are about as diverse as you can get. The common goal is to know more intimately and dynamically the God in each one of us. This is what connects us. These teachings are available to all, however as John-Roger has said, they are not for everyone. Just as there are six billion people on the planet, there can be that many ways to love and seek God.

Over the years of my spiritual studies, I have learned that it is so essential to be discerning where I place my trust, especially in the area of my inner spiritual development. It is a sacred and sensitive journey, but ordinary at the same time. It has proven wise for me to carefully explore what works for me. I then remain responsible, self empowered, and master of my own spiritual destiny. I have always found it essential to be around people who inspire me and uplift me to a greater awareness of who I am. I work hard to stay vigilant in order to stay free. This is my responsibility, and every day is a new and glorious opportunity to focus on, and affirm my partnership with God.
LTY Writes About Meeting John-Roger

It is an honor and a privilege now to travel the world with my husband John Morton, and to serve as MSIA’s Ambassador.

An Interview with Ishwar Puri Ji by Leigh Taylor-Young [53 minutes]

I regularly facilitate MSIA events and invite you to join us.
LTY co-facilitates a seminar with the theme of The Life of An Initiate

Upcoming MSIA Events with LTY